THE kreifwell APPROACH


It’s never one-size-fits-all, but these steps come pretty close…

kreifwell takes a functional medicine approach to health and wellness where the body is looked at as a whole unit, not in isolated systems. That is why kreifwell is focused on 5 key principles:


    • Face it: no one can survive without food. It’s not only essential for life, but also a social staple in our society. However, the food choices you make can have enormous impacts on all of your body systems. That’s why nutrition is a foundational principle of kreifwell and to any long term health goal. While there are some foods that may be more impactful than others, knowing the sources of your food, and how these foods impact your body, can be some of the most important resources you have.


    • It should come as no surprise that sleep is a foundational principle of kreifwell and to your health. Your body operates on an internal 24-hour cycle called its circadian rhythm that works behind the scenes to carry out essential processes and functions. One of the most essential circadian rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle. It is absolutely vital that you do as much as you can to align with your circadian rhythm to maintain a healthy sleep cycle, because it is not just sleep that matters, but quality sleep. 


    • Health and wellness goes beyond the physical. Your mental state and brain health are key pieces when it comes to your healing journey. Functional medicine is rooted in the belief that our body systems do not work in isolation. This not only includes your physical body but your mental state and brain health. Scientists refer to your gut as your “second brain.” This little brain in your gut is known as the enteric nervous system (ENS) and it has been shown to communicate with your big brain to have some pretty incredible effects. This gut-brain connection explains why you need a healthy mind to have a healthy body and vice versa.


    • Exercise is another key component to health at kreifwell. Physically, exercise helps maintain strong bones, helps regular blood sugar, improves cardiovascular health, improves muscle mass, decreases body fat, and so much more. Mentally, exercise is just as important. It gives you endorphins, increases creativity, resilience, and mental stamina, and it has a direct correlation to longevity. 


    • The final pillar of health in the kreifwell model is to feel well. Isn't that really the ultimate goal for everyone, though? It should be! When you feel well, you are a better spouse, a better parent, a better friend, a better coworker, and honestly, a person who can just do more good in society. Overall, you have brighter days, increased imagination, and bigger goals. What it comes down to is this: when you feel well, you have a zest for life, and that’s palpable. 

    • But when we don’t feel well, that’s just as strong of a feeling with just as many consequences. Part of getting back to feeling well is discovering the underlying reasons that may be working against you. 

    • Do you have a diagnosis?

    • A lack of diagnosis? 

    • A persistent set of symptoms? 

    • A stealth infection? 

    • An environmental exposure? 

    • Poor lymphatic system and drainage? 

    • I think you get it… There are so many potential stressors on the body that could be contributing to you just “not feeling well” (even if you feel like you’re slaving away in the gym or in the kitchen). That’s why part of our mission at kreifwell is to dive deep and find your individual root causes, so you can get back to feeling like your best self.

Ready to heal? Get started with the foundational course now


Connect with us on instagram @joshkreifelsrd 


How do you improve your sleep hygiene?


What in the world is functional medicine?