What is a coffee enema?

You may be like me and think “there is no way I am doing that!” and the truth is, I’m not surprised! My wife had done colonics and coffee enemas in the past, but I was adamant, there was no way that I was going to willingly administer coffee up my bum. It wasn’t until I started diving into the importance of drainage, detoxing and biohacking that I even considered trying a coffee enema. Many famous physicians and health providers have touted the benefits of coffee enemas and their use in chronic disease protocols.

In 2021, I was midway through an intense detox protocol and knew the benefits of an enema would increase my results. My first coffee enema was no wear NEAR as daunting as I had previously feared or anticipated. In fact, the hardest part about the whole thing is building up the courage and overcoming the mental blocks. It now is a tool in my tool belt of wellness modalities that I not only utilize personally, but also recommend for clients.

So what’s the deal with them anyway?

In recent years, alternative health practices have gained popularity, with proponents praising the benefits of coffee enemas. This unconventional therapy involves the administration of coffee into the colon through the rectum, claiming to detoxify the body and promote overall well-being. However, this practice has also sparked a significant amount of controversy among medical professionals and researchers. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of coffee enemas, exploring their alleged benefits, potential risks, and whether they are a safe and effective way to improve one's health.

What is a Coffee Enema?

A coffee enema involves the introduction of a solution made from brewed organic coffee and water into the colon using an enema kit or bag. This practice aids in the release of toxins and waste products from the liver and colon, leading to enhanced detoxification and improved overall health, WIN!

Proponents of Coffee Enemas: Purported Benefits

  1. Detoxification: The primary belief behind coffee enemas is that caffeine and other compounds in coffee stimulate the liver to produce more bile, which helps flush out toxins and waste from the body. Researches have identified an increase of an enzyme in the liver glutathione S-transferase by 500-700% following a coffee enema. Glutathione is an endogenous antioxidant that helps clear free radicals and damage caused by environment toxins that build up in the liver. Research has been cited almost 100 years ago the beneficial implications of liver and gall bladder stimulation via enemas.

  2. Constipation Relief: Some individuals report relief from constipation after trying coffee enemas, attributing it to the cleansing effect on the colon. The objective is not to clean out the colon, however the increased water in the colon does initiate peristalsis in the gut.

  3. Energy Boost: Coffee enemas do provide an uptake of caffeine through the colon wall, offering an energy boost and a sense of mental clarity.

The Other Side of the Coin: Potential Risks and Concerns

  1. Lack of Scientific Evidence: Despite the claims made by coffee enema proponents, there is a lack of robust scientific evidence supporting the practice's benefits. Many of the supposed advantages are based on anecdotal experiences rather than clinical studies. We certainly cannot dismiss anecdotal evidence. This modality is used extensively by functional medicine practitioners for additional detox and drainage support.

  2. Electrolyte Imbalance & Dehydration: Frequent enemas can lead to electrolyte imbalances, particularly if they are done excessively or without proper medical supervision. Rapid purging of fluid can lead to an imbalance in fluid and electrolytes. Always make sure you’re drinking adequate water AND supplementing electrolytes. My fav is re-lyte by Redmond Real Salt

  3. Perforation and Infection: There is a risk of rectal perforation or infection if the enema equipment is not adequately sterilized or if it is administered incorrectly. Always use lube for a smooth administration and don’t insert too far.

  4. Caffeine Absorption: While caffeine can be absorbed through the colon, it may lead to adverse effects in individuals sensitive to caffeine, such as increased heart rate, anxiety, and gastrointestinal discomfort.

Coffee enemas have become a controversial topic in the realm of alternative health practices. While proponents believe they offer detoxification and health benefits, the scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited. As with any alternative therapy, it is crucial to exercise caution, consult with a healthcare professional, and be aware of the potential risks before attempting coffee enemas or any other unconventional health practices. Remember that maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and leading a healthy lifestyle are proven methods for supporting overall well-being.

Happy pooping!



Why drainage is critical for more than just DETOX